Climate Transparency Hub: launch of the 2021 call for participation
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With the support of 30 French financial institutions that agreed to share their 2020 climate reports, the Climate Transparency Hub (CTH) has launched its 2021 contribution period, from June 1st to July 31st. Directly quoted in the recent Article 29 Decree of the French Climate-Energy Law (2019) as a collecting platform for financial institutions extrafinancial disclosure, the CTH aims to centralize and push forward the climate components of these reports, in order to facilitate the monitoring of good practices.
While the European Union (through SFDR and Taxonomy) and France (Art29) substantiate their sustainable finance and climate transparency requirements, this call for contribution invites French financial institutions to make their efforts and initiatives more visible through the use of the CTH, in anticipation of futher legal developments and to support a greater financial climate transparency.
« Financial actors climate transparency is carried by a bubbling multitude of emerging climate practices to analyze investments regarding climate stakes, to communicate these reflections to the public, and to actually establish a climate governance. The Climate Transparency Hub is the first platform in France created to support these efforts and to centralize the climate disclosure exercises of French institutions. » Arnaud Leroy, ADEME President
A call for participation of financial institutions
Every French financial institutions concerned by the Article 173-IV of the TECV law (Asset managers, insurances, pension funds, etc) as well as banks are invited to participate to the initiative.
Through a simple, quick and free process, their contribution to the platform provides the opportunity to:
- Comply with 29-LEC decree, which requires the transmission of extrafinancial reports to ADEME for the CTH by 2022
- Get an individual analysis of their climate disclosure, structured and characterized through a detailed matrix which conforms to the TCFD final recommendations and to the new 29-LEC decree and integrates the best current practices observed
- Highlight their best practices, which will be quoted in the ADEME annual report on the state of the arts of climate disclosure
- Apply to the International Climate Reporting Awards (ICRA)
To learn more about the initiative and to participate (website in French) :
About the International Climate Reporting Awards (ICRA)
For the 4th edition of the ICRAs which shall take place in October 2021, financial institutions all over the world will be able to get rewarded fot the quality of their climate disclosures. The ICRAs are organized by ADEME, the CGDD, 2DII, and joined this year by UNPRI, Eurosif, WBA LSFI and Finance for Tomorrow in order to strentghen their international dimension.
For this new edition, every institutions (French and International) shall be evaluated on the basis of the CTH matrix, to ensure their synergy.
For French institutions willing to apply to the ICRAs 2021, the application is through the CTH (via the deposit of their file ticking the box « candidater aux ICRA » and filling the matrix)
Funded by the LIFE EU program, throught the Finance ClimAct projet, the CTH is a ressource platform aiming to support the understanding and the betterment of financial institutions disclosure practices on climate stakes. The CTH is steered by ADEME (the French ecological transition agency), and the CGDD (the French general commission on sustainable developement of the ministry of ecological transition), in partnership with the AMF (the French financial market authority), the ACPR (the French prudential control and settlement authority), 2 Degrees Investing Intitative, the Institute for Climate Economics and Finance for Tomorrow. The CTH is financially supported by the EU LIFE program. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of produced information. |