An industrial Low-carbon industry ACTACT ADAPTATION: publication of the road-test report 10 May 2023
The world has already exceeded +1°C global warming compared to the pre-industrial period (1850-1900). Climate change has been definitively linked with severe and widespread consequences across the globe (see the World Weather Attribution initiative). Thus, adaptation to the current and future climate system is essential and must be taken into consideration alongside mitigation efforts. Thus, the ACT Initiative has developed an ACT Adaptation methodology that aims at assessing the quality and comprehensiveness of company’s adaptation strategy, from their physical risk analysis to their governance. It applies to companies from all sectors, size and geographical location. This ACT Adaptation draft methodology has been tested during a Road Test with 13 companies and the support of Climate Sense. We are pleased to announce the publication of the ACT Adaptation Road Test Report ! Download file
An industrial Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plansADEME publishes a summary report on the aluminium industry in France. 29 March 2023
As part of the Finance ClimAct project, ADEME has published a summary report on the aluminium industry in France. The aluminium industry is an electro-intensive sector that is highly exposed to international competition and whose growth prospects are high. Decarbonisation of this sector is therefore strategic but remains relatively complex. The Aluminium Sector Transition Plan proposes the exploration of two contrasting scenarios leading to the objective of -81% reduction in CO₂ emissions in 2050 compared to 2015, the objective set by the National Low Carbon Strategy. ADEME's Industry Department organised a webinar on 10 March to present the results of the Aluminium Sector Transition Plan, the replay of which is available at the following link: Download file
An industrial Low-carbon industry Climate target settingPhysical risks and adaptation to climate change in industry - Focus on BUILDINGS 16 December 2022
The world has already exceeded +1°C global warming compared to the pre-industrial period (1850-1900). Climate change and in particular the increase in climate hazards (droughts, floods, etc.) will impact industrial buildings: their structures and materials, users, equipment, processes, etc. These impacts will have consequences for industry, its activity and its productivity. Companies must therefore prepare for this and anticipate it. The purpose of this memo is to present concepts related to physical risks in the industrial sector, including the impacts of climate change on industrial buildings, in order to anticipate and adapt to them. Download file
An industrial Low-carbon industry Climate target settingPhysical risks and adaptation to climate change in industry - Focus on WORKERS 29 April 2022
Climate change, and in particular the increase in climatic events, will modify working conditions, both indoors and outdoors, and access to industrial sites, and increase the risks to workers' health and safety. These impacts will have consequences for industry, its activity and productivity, which must be anticipated and prepared for. ADEME has published a memo that presents the concepts related to physical risks for workers in the industrial sector, the factors to be considered and the existing tools. Download file
An industrial Low-carbon industry Climate target settingPhysical risks and adaptation to climate change in industry - Focus on TRANSPORT 22 February 2022
Climate hazards have an impact on the transport industry. ADEME has published a memo that summarises their nature, the methodological tools for measuring their impact and the factors to be taken into consideration in order to best adapt to these changes. Download file
An industrial Climate target settingFinancial and extra-financial overview of corporate carbon reporting 18 December 2021
This report presents an overview of the financial and non-financial reporting of a sample of French listed companies on climate issues. It focuses on three specific topics: the quantitative indicators used by companies to report on climate issues, the information communicated on carbon neutrality commitments for those that have made them, and finally, the accounting implications and climate-related information included in the financial statements. The report presents some good practices and highlights the efforts that are still needed to prepare for the strengthening of the regulatory framework. Download file