A retail investor

Integrating environmental objectives into retail investors’ investment decisions is a major challenge to move France and Europe towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. The involvement of retail investors differs greatly: interest limited to yield, will to implement thematic allocation to “green” sectors, to invest into sectors in transition or requirement to seek additional impact. Financial products identification, transparency on the underlying investments and financial advice practices are evolving to facilitate a greater involvement of environmentally-minded retail investors. In line with the National Low Carbon Strategy and the European Green Pact, the Finance ClimAct project is developing our understanding of retail investors environmental preferences and developing new tools to give invetors’ access to clear and credible information – including labels, online selection platform, adequation questionnaire.

I am ...
  • A retail investor
  • An industrial
    • Aluminum
    • Ammonia
    • Other
    • Chlorine
    • Cement
    • Steel
    • Paper-cardboard
    • Sugar
    • Ethylene
    • Glass
  • A financial institution
  • Climate disclosure
  • Climate stress-tests
  • Green savings
  • Climate target setting
  • Low-carbon industry
  • ACT
  • Industrial transition plans
  • Climate disclosure platform
  • Climate Commitment Observatory
  • Climate Stress-tests
  • Green labels
  • Environmental preferences
  • A retail investor A financial institution Climate disclosure Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment Observatory
    TCFD: the AMF assesses the implementation of the framework by ten French financial institutions 3 February 2021

    The AMF assessed the implementation of the TCFD framework by 10 French financial institutions, based on an in-depth analysis of their reports and interviews. This study highlights the main difficulties faced and presents good practices and next steps in order to support the institutions who choose to disclose climate risks and opportunities against this voluntary framework. Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Green labels
    EU Ecolabel: ADEME, the AMF, and the Ministries respond to the consultation on the third technical report 23 December 2020

    French public authorities’ comments on the criteria of the EU Ecolabel for financial (3rd technical report) Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Climate target setting Climate disclosure Climate Commitment Observatory
    On the Road to Paris: 2DII's report on financial institutions climate commitments 15 December 2020

    Marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, 2° Investing Initiative has released a new report that scrutinizes the progress made so far by the global financial sector with regard to their climate-related commitments. 2DII finds that, overall, financial institutions’ climate strategies and target-setting efforts must be evidence-based in order for the sector to meet the climate challenge and contribute better to decarbonization of the real-economy. Download file

  • A retail investor A financial institution Green savings Green labels Environmental preferences
    AMF publishes an educational guide for retail investors entitled "Sustainable finance: how to give meaning to savings?" 15 October 2020

    Fighting global warming, preserving resources, supporting professional equality,... There are many ways to invest your savings and finance companies implementing responsible practices. Published by the AMF, this guide presents a large spectrum of responsible investments available to retail savers and aims at providing the reading keys to identify investments in line with their goals and values. Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Climate disclosure Climate stress-tests Green savings Climate target setting Low-carbon industry ACT PACTA Industrial transition plans INVEEST Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment Observatory Climate Stress-tests Green labels Environmental preferences
    Finance ClimAct: Progress Report #1 5 October 2020

    This first report presents the latest progress made in the project areas (green savings, climate steering of the financial system, investment in a low industry, etc.). Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution INVEEST
    INVEEST press kit 16 September 2020

    Industrial Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Finance Scale-Up Program Download file