A retail investor
Integrating environmental objectives into retail investors’ investment decisions is a major challenge to move France and Europe towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. The involvement of retail investors differs greatly: interest limited to yield, will to implement thematic allocation to “green” sectors, to invest into sectors in transition or requirement to seek additional impact. Financial products identification, transparency on the underlying investments and financial advice practices are evolving to facilitate a greater involvement of environmentally-minded retail investors. In line with the National Low Carbon Strategy and the European Green Pact, the Finance ClimAct project is developing our understanding of retail investors environmental preferences and developing new tools to give invetors’ access to clear and credible information – including labels, online selection platform, adequation questionnaire.
A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Climate disclosure Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment ObservatoryThe Alignment Cookbook : A Technical Review of Methodologies Assessing a Portfolio’s Alignment with Low-Carbon Trajectories or Temperature Goal 25 August 2020
This publication was commissioned by the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES) and the WWF France and is part of a series of reports to review the range of climate-related methods and metrics available to investors, on the topics of 2°C alignment, temperature, transition and physical risks. The publication is available on the Institut Louis Bachelier website. Read more
A retail investor Green savingsReport on the second version of the Ecolabel criteria for financial products 29 June 2020
2Dii contribution to the 2nd consultation on the criteria of the EU Ecolabel on financial products Download file
A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savingsFrench position on the Ecolabel (2nd consultation) 6 June 2020
France's public services contribution to the 2nd consultation on the criteria of the EU Ecolabel on financial products Download file