Climate Transparency Hub: the public consultation on the second Matrix is about to be launched

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L'arbre vert qui pousse sur les pièces de monnaie augmente sous diverses formes, y compris les mains des gens d'affaires qui entourent la pile de pièces et le graphique en flèche montante. Le concept de croissance des entreprises;
7 April 2021

Following its first period of analysis and publication of the 2019 Characterized Reports, the CTH is currently updating its matrix of criteria. In order to better take into account the diversity of stakeholders, this V2 will be open for public consultation for one month.

Opening of the public consultation on the draft Matrix V2: from April 15th to May 17th, 2021

The CTH team will present the new matrix, a feedback from the first period of analysis and the general concepts supporting this update.

Webinar presenting the draft Matrix V2: April 21st from 10:00 am to 11:30 am

The Matrix, the CTH tool
The Matrix serves as a framework to analyze climate reports filed by financial institutions on a voluntary basis and producing characterized reports. This tool gathers and organizes recommended and implemented practices, highlight in a homogeneous way.

It is based on a careful analysis of practices, benchmarks and recommendations as well as the mobilization of normative sources (decree, NFRD, REDisclosure, ISO 14097 and 14064-1) and soft law (TCFD Recommendations TCFD, European Commission Climate Guidelines).

The grid reports on all practices, from the most widely used to the most mature, and offers a resource to improve existing systems. Although it is not a reporting standard, this exhaustive grid aims to support the use of best practices and the harmonization of reports.

The Matrix, annual update
The CTH team monitors both normative and practices in order to understand climate issues and the way they are communicated. The annual update of the criteria matrix aims to follow these developments and to articulate best practices in a coherent way.

The draft Matrix V2 includes SFRD requirements as well as the decree on Article 29 LEC. This draft also draws on lessons learnt from the first analysis period and published characterized reports.

Publication of Matrix V2
The responses to the consultation will be taken into account in the finalization of the new Matrix. It will be finalized by the CTH consortium and published by the end of May.

It will also open the contribution period: financial institutions willing to benefit from a characterized report built on the basis of this new matrix will be invited to submit their 2020 climate reporting exercise on the CTH website by July 31st, 2021.

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