Finance for Tomorrow launched a Task Force on impact finance

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L'arbre vert qui pousse sur les pièces de monnaie augmente sous diverses formes, y compris les mains des gens d'affaires qui entourent la pile de pièces et le graphique en flèche montante. Le concept de croissance des entreprises;
4 May 2021

Today, to carry out an ambitious work on impact, one should consolidate all Paris Financial Centre’s existing initiatives in order to speak with a single voice at the European and international level. 

That is precisely why, since March 25th, 2021, Finance for Tomorrow has been coordinating a taskforce focused on impact finance with the aim to:

  • Contribute to the emergence of the notion of impact finance, which goes beyond the traditional ESG approach, and enable it to be extended to all listed and unlisted asset classes;
  • Develop a shared definition and methodologies to measure impact, so that stakeholders (investors, asset managers, companies) can use a common language;
  • To provide a toolbox for stakeholders to develop their impact measurement approach, particularly in relation to regulatory requirements (NFRD, SFDR, etc.).

Since 2020, impact finance has been a priority area for Finance for Tomorrow. The subject is undergoing significant development, both in France and internationally, and constitutes a growing strategic interest for the Paris Financial Centre. Under the co-steering of Philippe Taffin (Aviva France) and Xavier Ploquin (Meridiam), the group is composed of 4 sub-groups with the objective of writing and formalising a common vision, its main principles and make it operational through the production of associated deliverables:

  • Working on a common definition of impact based on all the initiatives and work carried out in France and abroad with the aim of covering all markets
  • Working on measuring the intensity of impact for an assets portfolio, particularly regarding SFDR regulations
  • Making recommendations to remove obstacles to impact finance (in particular dissemination beyond the non-listed sector and the increase in assets under management)
  • Promoting the French vision of impact at the international level

Nearly 60 financial players and public authorities (Bercy, MTE, Ademe, AMF) are now working on the definition, measurement, recommendations and international promotion of a French impact policy

Read more about the Task Force