INVEEST: Contrat de performance énergétique – what if you had the solution to invest safely?
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The industrial sector is reponsible for 1/3 of France’s energy consumption and more and more regulations and currently implemented to curb this flow. Industrial energy efficiency and more specifically equipment energy efficiency, can act as a competitive levrage for industrial companies.
Investments leave no room for improvisation
In order to improve energy efficiency, a company first needs to define a clear strategy as well as an action plan to follow. If this job is not done, if industrial processes nor equipment energy efficiency are not optimized, it will not be possible to achieve the expected results.
The CPE, a safe way to invest
To guarantee your energy performance in the long run, you may subscribe to a Contrat de Performance Energétique (CPE – energy performance contract) with an energy operator, i.e. an energy service provider or an investment company.
Through a CPE, you will be able to secure energy savings. Each contract includes a fixed term and an efficiency guarantee. If the energy performance target is not met on time, the operator is asked to pay a penalty to the company. If the target is reached, the operator receives a profit-sharing for the additional savings achieved. This system encourages the project owner and the operator to fully commit to energy efficiency as the goal is to make the initial investment profitable and gain additional benefits.
The advantage of the CPE is that it allows for a change of scale and can generate savings for a whole site, in line with a global strategy.
Another advantage of the CPE relies on its flexibility. Each contract is unique and in that sense, it can cover a wide range of actions:
- optimization of equipment, from lighting to heating and ventilation, including cooling production
- modernization and maintenance of new equipment required for the implementation of energy-efficient industrial processes
- energy consumption management.
If you wish to subscribe to a CPE, the INVEEST training course will help you see things more clearly.
source : ADEME.
The INVEEST training course is available here.