Climate Transparency Hub

The Climate Transparency Hub is a monitoring and indentification tool of good practices in climate-related disclosures by French financial institutions developped as part of the LIFE Finance ClimACT project.
After nearly five years of climate reporting by financial institutions (art 173, al 6 of TECV french regulation), practices remain very heterogeneous and do not provide an overall view of the state of climate reporting in France. Generally speaking, efforts still need to be made and supported in terms of quality, transparency and comparability of information.
Developped by ADEME in collaboration with the CGDD, 2°II, I4CE, F4T, the AMF and the ACPR, this tool will lead to the implementation, by the end of 2020, of a pilot web platform in France allowing to :
- To centralize financial institutions climate-related disclosures in order to reinforce transparency, accessibility, and to facilitate the comparability and monitoring of practices. Such a centralization shall be initially based on the deposit of relevant reporting elements by organisations themselves on a voluntary basis.
- To foster the harmonization and the quality of financial institutions climate-related practices, with an analysis and characterization of deposited reports through a common framework of ambitious and demanding criteria. Such a matrix shall also reinforce the comparability and progress monitoring of their disclosures.
This analysis framework, demanding both in terms of granularity and level of precision, is largely based on the scoring criteria used in the « International Awards for Climate-related Disclosure by Financial Institutions ». Structured in a clear and coherent way, it seeks to identify and promote the best and most advanced practices of climate reporting. It shall be actualized each year, making sure to articulate the requirements of French and European regulations with the most advanced practices emerging out of voluntary initiatives.
- Identify, enhance and spread the best actual practices in order to foster the progress of financial institutions climate-related disclosures.
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