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On 7 July, the first edition of the Sustainability Challenges – Social Responsibility organised by the CNCC (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes) took place at the Serre, Porte de Versailles.
This first edition of the Challenges was organised in partnership with ADEME, MEDEF, Compta Online, the Audencia multi-capital global performance chair, the Croissance Bleue and Prophil agencies, and the Institut des Experts-Comptables en Entreprise.
Mathieu Garnero, director of the Finance ClimAct project, took part in the round table on sustainability and social responsibility, which was an opportunity to highlight ADEME’s work in supporting the transition at the level of sectors (sectoral transition plans) and companies (ACT and ACT step-by-step). He then took part in the award ceremony, where he awarded the prize for the best CSR approach to the winner: Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne (BPALC).