An industrial

Industry accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in France.
The National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) defines France’s trajectory to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a commitment made following the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
“SNBC target for French industry: – 81% of emissions in 2050 compared to 2015.
Intermediate target of -30% in 2030
In a carbon-free world, the competitiveness of a product with a high carbon footprint will be impacted by a high carbon price and a reputational risk: it is therefore important for an industrial company to anticipate its transition by implementing actions that limit its impact on climate change through a long-term investment plan.

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plans de transitions sectoirels

I am ...
  • A retail investor
  • An industrial
    • Sugar
    • Ethylene
    • Glass
    • Aluminum
    • Ammonia
    • Other
    • Chlorine
    • Cement
    • Steel
    • Paper-cardboard
  • A financial institution
  • Green savings
  • Climate target setting
  • Low-carbon industry
  • Climate disclosure
  • Climate stress-tests
  • ACT
  • Industrial transition plans
  • Climate disclosure platform
  • Climate Commitment Observatory
  • Climate Stress-tests
  • Green labels
  • Environmental preferences
  • An industrial Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plans
    ADEME publishes the summary of the sectoral transition plan for the cement industry in France 23 November 2021

    In order to meet the objective of the National Low Carbon Strategy (#SNBC), which aims is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 81% by 2050 (compared to 2015) for the entire French industry, the Industry Department of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (#ADEME) is drawing up Sector Transition Plans (STPs) which model and analyse possible decarbonation trajectories for the nine most energy-intensive sectors, including the cement industry. Through a co-construction process with the sector's stakeholders, it emerged that the technological and economic challenges for decarbonising the #cement sector by up to 81% are significant. With its 360° vision, the STP also explores the inseparable aspects of the transition: market evolution, costs, financing and jobs. Download file

  • An industrial Climate target setting Low-carbon industry
    AMF publishes the first conclusions of the Climate and sustainable Finance Commission (CCFD) on the carbon neutrality of companies 19 October 2021

    The purpose of the AMF's CCFD report is to accompany companies in the development and implementation of their climate strategy. Find out about best practices regarding carbon neutrality initiatives, resulting actions and how to report on the efforts made. Download file

  • A financial institution A retail investor An industrial Climate stress-tests Climate Stress-tests
    ADEME's analysis of the French pilot climate stress test 19 August 2021

    ADEME analyzes the results of the climate pilot exercise conducted by the Banque de France in 2020-2021 and proposes several methodological developments for future exercises. Download file

  • An industrial A financial institution Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plans
    Sectoral Transition Plan Chemical industry: infografic memo on decarbonization challenges and routes 14 June 2021

    Infografic memo in French on the key decarbonization challenges and routes of the glass sector in France. This document was elaborated by ADEME as part of the Sectorial Transition Plans, which aims at building sectorial decarbonization pathways for heavy industry sectors in France. Download file

  • A financial institution A retail investor An industrial Climate disclosure Green savings Climate target setting Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment Observatory
    The Sustainable Finance Observatory publishes its first activity report 7 April 2021

    The Sustainable Finance Observatory aims to contribute to the transparency, monitoring, and evaluation of the gradual transformation of French financial players. Seven months after its creation, it publishes its first activity report. The latter aims to provide an inventory of its creation and operation. It also seeks to promote similar initiatives by presenting the main stages in the creation of a Financial Center Observatory. Download file

  • An industrial Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plans
    Sectoral Transition Plan Glass: infografic memo on decarbonization challenges and routes 26 March 2021

    Infografic memo in French on the key decarbonization challenges and routes of the glass sector in France. This document was elaborated by ADEME as part of the Sectorial Transition Plans, which aims at building sectorial decarbonization pathways for heavy industry sectors in France. Download file