An industrial
The National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) defines France’s trajectory to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a commitment made following the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
“SNBC target for French industry: – 81% of emissions in 2050 compared to 2015.
Intermediate target of -30% in 2030
In a carbon-free world, the competitiveness of a product with a high carbon footprint will be impacted by a high carbon price and a reputational risk: it is therefore important for an industrial company to anticipate its transition by implementing actions that limit its impact on climate change through a long-term investment plan.
Consult these 3 useful tools :
An industrial Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plansChallenges for the French Cement Industry: Case Study of a Pioneering Sectoral Transition Plan 26 August 2020
The cement Sectoral Transition Plans to achieve the objectives set by the SNBC with industrialists from one of the nine energy-intensive sectors in France Download file
A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Climate disclosure Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment ObservatoryThe Alignment Cookbook : A Technical Review of Methodologies Assessing a Portfolio’s Alignment with Low-Carbon Trajectories or Temperature Goal 25 August 2020
This publication was commissioned by the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES) and the WWF France and is part of a series of reports to review the range of climate-related methods and metrics available to investors, on the topics of 2°C alignment, temperature, transition and physical risks. The publication is available on the Institut Louis Bachelier website. Read more
A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savingsFrench position on the Ecolabel (2nd consultation) 6 June 2020
France's public services contribution to the 2nd consultation on the criteria of the EU Ecolabel on financial products Download file