An industrial

Industry accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in France.
The National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) defines France’s trajectory to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a commitment made following the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
“SNBC target for French industry: – 81% of emissions in 2050 compared to 2015.
Intermediate target of -30% in 2030
In a carbon-free world, the competitiveness of a product with a high carbon footprint will be impacted by a high carbon price and a reputational risk: it is therefore important for an industrial company to anticipate its transition by implementing actions that limit its impact on climate change through a long-term investment plan.

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plans de transitions sectoirels

I am ...
  • A retail investor
  • An industrial
    • Aluminum
    • Ammonia
    • Other
    • Chlorine
    • Cement
    • Steel
    • Paper-cardboard
    • Sugar
    • Ethylene
    • Glass
  • A financial institution
  • Green savings
  • Climate target setting
  • Low-carbon industry
  • Climate disclosure
  • Climate stress-tests
  • ACT
  • Industrial transition plans
  • Climate disclosure platform
  • Climate Commitment Observatory
  • Climate Stress-tests
  • Green labels
  • Environmental preferences
  • Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plans
    Sectoral Transition Plan Cement: ADEME publies its sythesis of the first technico-economic results 1 March 2021

    The French cement industry faces significant techno-economic challenges on its path to meeting the ambition of the French National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC). The report synthetizes the first results of the Sectoral Transition Plan (STP) of the French cement sector. Key findings highlight the overall complexity in decarbonizing this industry especially due to hard-to-abate process emissions along with massive investments required. Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Climate target setting Climate disclosure Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment Observatory
    Sustainable Finance Observatory: the Scientific and Expertise Committee publishes its preliminary recommendations 25 February 2021

    In line with the transparency dynamic set up within the Sustainable Finance Observatory, the independent Scientific and Expert Committee has just published its first preliminary recommendations. The Observatory's Steering Committee should soon respond to its recommendations. Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Climate target setting Climate disclosure Climate disclosure platform Climate Commitment Observatory
    Sustainable Finance Observatory: ADEME and 2DII present their comments and proposals 12 February 2021

    2DII and ADEME present their comments and recommendations on the areas for improvement of the Sustainable Finance Observatory in order to achieve its mid-term objectives, as well as proposals to achieve them! Download file

  • An industrial Low-carbon industry Industrial transition plans
    Sectoral Transition Plan Steel: infografic memo on decarbonization challenges and routes 21 January 2021

    Infografic memo in French on the key decarbonization challenges and routes of the steel sector in France. This document was elaborated by ADEME as part of the Sectorial Transition Plans, which aims at building sectorial decarbonization pathways for heavy industry sectors in France. Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Green labels
    EU Ecolabel: ADEME, the AMF, and the Ministries respond to the consultation on the third technical report 23 December 2020

    French public authorities’ comments on the criteria of the EU Ecolabel for financial (3rd technical report) Download file

  • A retail investor An industrial A financial institution Green savings Climate target setting Climate disclosure Climate Commitment Observatory
    On the Road to Paris: 2DII's report on financial institutions climate commitments 15 December 2020

    Marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, 2° Investing Initiative has released a new report that scrutinizes the progress made so far by the global financial sector with regard to their climate-related commitments. 2DII finds that, overall, financial institutions’ climate strategies and target-setting efforts must be evidence-based in order for the sector to meet the climate challenge and contribute better to decarbonization of the real-economy. Download file